Hair chopped off and now white - designed to confuse and scare would be kidnappers. Did a radio interview, collected some last minute parcels from the Post Office, tidied up 'important' docs just incase, sorted out the elderly neighbour across the road and told her not to panic as she won't see us for a while, generally faffed about in between, trying to ignore last minute nerves. Too late now though, and more than ready to get going.
Also got a Plan B and a Plan C should the bike fix not work out tomorrow:
Plan B is to seal the sump bolt with liquid metal, then do oil changes by tipping the bike upside down and draining it through the filler (dipstick )hole. That's the benefit of a small, light bike!
Plan C is to ride to the south of Spain on my little pizza delivery commute bike, leave it there at a friend's for retrieval whenever, foot passenger it across the Med to Morocco, buy a bike there and ride it until it busts, buy another, and another until I get to Bansang. Actually, I'm quite tempted to do that anyway just for a laugh. Ok, maybe not.
After. Oh dear..............