Then rode to a Fjord on the Black Sea. Spectacular location and apparently a hiding place for Ottoman ships in WW1 when they got chased by the Russians. They nipped in there and when the Russians went looking for them, together with Germans, they ambushed them and sorted the Russians out.
Also watched dolphins feeding near to the coast. Apparently there are lots in the Black Sea but this lot were a bit shy today and only just broke the surface of the water rather than jumped out, which was hard to capture on camera. ( Look at the black thing and imagine a fishy looking mammal and you'll get the picture)
More Chai then at a tea house on the Black Sea coast, and a good old chat. Gultekin ( a policeman) wanted to know about the police in London, then suddenly produced his gun for inspection. Don't know anything about firearms, but this one was quite nice, as far as guns go.
Also went to Sinop Police Station and had tea with the chief of police. A bit bizarre but nice man and he gave us cologne and chocolate so he was well Ok by us.
Rounded an excellent day off with dinner in Sinop by the sea. Lovely little fishing town with waterside cafes and people playing backgammon.
Also had word that the new part for my broken scooter is on way from Istanbul and should be here in the morning. We should be on our way by noon.